The services held each Sunday at 2.30pm* follow a classical reformed pattern focused on the reading and preaching of the Bible.
We make every effort to ensure that visitors feel welcome and comfortable,
It is easy for worshippers to follow the order from a printed sheet. All the words needed for hymns and prayers are printed.
The pew Bible that is read from the lectern is the King James Authorised Version.
We sing traditional hymns drawn from Hymns of Faith, and Christian Worship and other comparable sources. Musical accompaniment is provided by an organ.
No collection is taken during the service but there is a bowl at the door for voluntary contributions.
On the second Sunday of each month the sermon is followed by the Lord’s Supper. All who love the Lord are welcome to share in the bread and wine.
At the end of most services a cup of tea or coffee is served and everyone who is able to stay for that is very welcome,
*On a few occasions in the year services take place at a different time and these are noted on the Home page.
prayer meetings
There is prayer and Bible study normally on the third Wednesday of the month at Holly Villas at 7pm. Details are announced at Golford Chapel services.